I know how it goes! Ten to 250 attempts to tie a scarf around your head... you can't tie it, it doesn't stay tight enough, it falls, it slips... you get nervous and - in the end, you give up both the scarf and tying it. Well, it's all woven into this scarf of mine, that won't happen to you again. Tailored into a special tube, precisely for easier application, it comes with a barcode that guides you to a tutorial on how to tie it for the best effect. Or, as my nieces say: it comes with - "how to do it". It is now fashionable to say so! Well, "how to do it?" Simply. Finally a scarf that you will know how to tie. Report your impressions! 🍀
Ever since I can remember, I've been tying scarves on my head! It didn't start because of fashion. My hair is thick, heavy and curly; I would always be hot under it, and cutting my hair was not an option. I love my hair! Too many summers... If I tied a bun high on my head, because of its weight, my head would hurt quickly, I believe, many women know that feeling when the "root of your hair" hurts! Tied hair would fall from the top of my head, pulling the roots from the forehead further and further back.

that I had collected a bunch of improvised scarves and that I would like to wear more beautiful patterns and patterns, I connected the composition of the material that holds the scarf on my head, how I have to roll them, how tightly, not too tightly, on which side. A real little philosophy about one such, just by the way article. In addition to having a functional purpose, it can also be a great fashion detail, I thought, how great I found out when I tied one of my scarves at the film festival in Venice and everyone wanted to know where I got it. So how can I tell them in such a nice environment, these are my old pajamas. And she was! And I told them so. We laughed together.
I told my family last summer at sea, in 2023 one morning in the middle of August. I dreamed exactly how that scarf should look, I dreamed of tailoring it and sending it to everyone who asked me "how do I do it". I prepared the entire product presentation for my housemates, explained the business plan I have in my head, they were delighted. And whoever I shared my business idea with, everyone was delighted in turn. "Yes, that's exactly you, how come you didn't remember earlier", they asked. Well, I didn't, because we always take the simplest solutions for granted, and it shouldn't be like that.
I spent the winter of 2023/2024 surfing the Internet and visiting yards and plants. Every moment free from media work and obligations, I spent researching factories, tailoring instructions, watching YT sewing tutorials, studying fabric compositions, visiting yardages, trying on purchased material under my fingers, washing it at 30, 40, 60, then 90, wearing those fabrics at home, I knew I wanted to make a quality product! It's like I'm doing it for myself!